









Development of specially reinforced magnesium composites prepared by squeeze casting process

Akshansh Mishra1, Devarrishi Dixit2, Raheem Al-Sabur 3

1Centre for Artificial Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Stir Research Technologies, India
2Department of Material Science, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Basrah, Basra, Iraq


A wide range of opportunities in the field of automotive and structural applications are being offered by Magnesium matrix composites because of their enhanced mechanical properties. Magnesium alloys based on Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs) are the best candidates for lightweight structural applications due to their improved creep properties. In the present study, three specimens of specially reinforced magnesium composites were manufactured by using the squeeze casting process. Specimen 1 has a composition of 7 % aluminum alloy in addition to 1% zinc and the composition of reinforcement is Titanium Carbide 0.3 % in addition to 1.5% Carbon nanotubes. Specimen 2 has a composition of 12 % aluminum alloy in addition to 1 % zinc and the composition of reinforcement is 2% B4C in addition to 2 % Carbon nanotubes. Specimen 3 has a composition of 14 % aluminum alloy in addition to 1 % zinc and the composition of reinforcement is 2 % B4C in addition to 2 % Carbon nanotubes. The mechanical properties analysis showed that specimen 2 has a higher hardness value in comparison to other manufactured specimens and it was also observed that specimen 2 possesses a higher tensile strength value in comparison to the other two specimens. Microstructure analysis shows that there was a uniform distribution of the reinforcements in the matrix. So it can be inferred that this uniform distribution causes higher hardness and higher tensile strength in the manufactured specimens.


Squeeze Casting; Magnesium Matrix Composites ; Carbon Nano Tubes (CNTs);Titanium Carbide

Cite this article as: 

Misha A, Dixit D, Al-Sabur R. Development of specially reinforced magnesium composites prepared by squeeze casting process. Res. Eng. Struct. Mater., 2021; 7(4): 635-646.
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