The International Journal of Research on Engineering Structures and Materials (RESM) is a peer-reviewed open access journal (p-ISSN: 2148-9807; o-ISSN: 2149-4088). Publication frequency was 2 before 2017. Journal publication frequency is increased to 3 in 2017 and to 4 in 2018. Starting from 2025, the publication frequency will be increased to 6 issues in total, one every two months. In 2025, our journal will be published in February, April, June, August, October and December.
RESM is published by Dr. Hayri Baytan Ozmen on behalf of MIM Research Group. You may reach publisher information in this page.
For article statistics and editorial pace, see Statistics page.
RESM publishes articles in engineering areas which are explained thoroughly in the Aim and Scope section. Original research articles, data articles (new), reviews, short communications, technical reports, editorial notes and letters to the editor are published. The language of RESM is English. The submitted manuscripts are published after the review process.
All expenditures for the publication of the manuscripts are most kindly reimbursed by MIM Research Group. Thus, authors do not need to pay for publishing their studies in the journal. In addition to free of charge publication, RESM offers many further benefits to the authors. Please visit our Why publish with RESM section for more information.
Our journal conducts editorial processes according to the Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement given in here. Our journals Digital Preservation Policy, to ensure the safety of the related digital data, is given here.
Being an international journal our Editorial and Advisory Board includes many members from different regions of the world. See the Editorial Board and Advisory Board members section.
Published articles are freely available to users under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution ‐ NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License, as currently displayed at here (the “CC BY ‐ NC”).
Please use journal abbreviation as Res. Eng. Struct. Mater. to cite papers published in RESM.
In order to access the journal system, you may register with the info given here.
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