Review Time

We present the following statistics for the past six months to provide insight into the speed of our editorial process.

While the rejection rate may appear to be high, our other metrics indicate that if a submission meets the initial quality requirements, the rejection rate drops significantly. This is advantageous as it saves authors time that might otherwise be wasted on a submission that is likely to be rejected during the review process. Moreover, the days-to-first-decision period is short because we make an effort to avoid wasting authors’ time. The length of the review process, on the other hand, is primarily determined by the reviewers and is not under the journal’s control.

Shortly after acceptance (within 1-2 weeks), we publish papers as online first and provide them with a DOI, which enables them to be accessed and cited shortly after acceptance. The publication of papers in an issue usually takes 3-6 months depending on the submission flow. It should be noted, however, that these figures are averages and are not a guarantee for individual authors. We present these figures to authors to provide a general idea of the pace of our editorial process.

Days to First Editorial Decisions6
  Days to Accept93
  Days to Reject8
Acceptance Rate22%
Rejection Rate78%
  Desk Reject Rate67%
  After Review Reject Rate11%
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