







Experimental investigation on the effect of varied injection timings in a CRDI diesel engine driven by a biodiesel-diesel blend

Sudarsanam Mark1,2, Jayaprabakar Jayaraman1

1Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
2Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, VEMU Institute of Technology, Chittoor, India


The issues with handling high viscosity biodiesel include noise and lack of smoothness in regular diesel engines. The use of Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDI) technology has the potential to significantly remove or reduce difficulties associated with biodiesel handling. In this study, the use of blends comprising waste cooking oil biodiesel was investigated in a CRDI diesel engine with injection timings ranging from 24° to 21° bTDC. For a diesel engine, injection timing is a critical element that influences engine performance, emissions, and durability. This study is the first to try combining the CRDI approach with varying injection timings for waste cooking oil biodiesel blends. The impact of varying injection timing has been assessed for blends of waste cooking oil (WCO) biodiesel fuels, specifically B20 (20% WCO+80% Diesel), and the results were compared to those of baseline mineral diesel fuel. During the experimental assessments, B20 demonstrated optimal performance at retarded injection timing of 22° bTDC (RT22), surpassing the standard injection timing of 23° bTDC. The optimum outcome revealed a 3.78% increase in Brake Thermal Efficiency for B20+RT22, accompanied by a 7.74% decrease in CO and a 3.15% reduction in NOx emissions. Appropriate injection timing settings led to significant enhancements in both emissions and performance for WCO blends compared to the diesel fuel and standard injection timing. Moreover, this approach holds promise as a potential long-term solution to address the challenge of waste cooking oil disposal.


Diesel engine; Emission; Performance; Biodiesel; Waste cooking oil; Injection timing

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