Concrete is the predominant material that is commonly used for all construction engineering practices and the demand for concrete ingredients has increased nowadays. Utilization of agricultural waste helps in meeting the demand and the present study focused on replacement of fine aggregate with agro-waste. Agro-wastes such as Rice Husk Ash, Saw Dust, and Coconut Shell powder were utilized as a replacement for fine aggregate. An experimental investigation was carried out on concrete specimens with varying proportions of 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% of agro-waste to the weight of fine aggregate. Agro-waste was equally proportioned for the replaced weight of fine aggregate. Agro-waste concrete was compared with conventional concrete (100% – M sand) for the improvement in mechanical properties by examining the results of compressive strength test and split tensile strength test. Also, the performance of concrete specimens was also determined by non-destructive testing. The optimization of the concrete mix for the addition of agro-waste was obtained based on the strength characteristics. The effectiveness of utilizing agricultural waste in concrete with rebars was studied using the chloride ingress test and Open Circuit Potential test. The experimental findings show that 2 to 4% of agro-waste can be utilized efficiently as fine aggregate replacement.