










Integral waterproofing concrete mechanical properties with the addition of fly ash

Dwi Nurtanto1, Mochammad Roziqin1, Krisnamurtic1, Wiwik Yunarni Widiarti1, Roy Firmawan1

1Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Jember, Tegalboto Campus, Jember Regency, East Java 68121, Indonesian


The addition of waterproofing to concrete aims to reduce porosity and is expected to be more watertight. However, the addition of a waterproof layer to the concrete can reduce its performance of the concrete. Therefore, researchers are trying to innovate an integral mixture of waterproofing concrete with fly ash (FA) as a filler. FA added to the integral waterproofing concrete mix is expected to improve its mechanical properties, including the modulus of elasticity. The Madrid Parabola Formula and Desay & Khrisnan Formula are usually used in calculating the stress-strain distribution of concrete. This case aims to determine the physical and mechanical properties as well as the stress-strain distribution equation by adding FA to integral concrete waterproofing. In this study, the specimens used were cylindrical in shape with a size of 15 cm x 30 cm. The ingredients are PPC cement, sand, gravel, 1.5% integral waterproofing added (Damdex brand), and the addition of FA from cement weight 0% to 15% in 5% increment intervals. Tests for compressive strength, split tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity tests were carried out in reference to ASTM C39/C39M-18, 2018, ASTM C 496/C 496M – 04, 2004, and ASTM C 469 – 02, 2002. The results showed that the more FA was added, the more strength increased. The Desay-Khrisnan stress-strain formula is more suitable for this concrete.


Integral Waterproofing Concrete; Modulus Elasticity; Fly Ash; Compressive Strength; Split Tensile Strength

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Nurtanto D, Roziqin M, Krisnamurti, Widiarti WY, Fİrmawan R. Integral waterproofing concrete mechanical properties with the addition of fly ash. Res. Eng. Struct. Mater., 2023; 9(3): 861-873.
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