Toe grinding process is widely employed for increasing fatigue life of welded structures with high dimensions, which are very usual in civil, naval and offshore industries. In these cases, costs related to the application of an additional manufacturing process are naturally justified. However, code recommendations referred to toe grinding process are quite conservatives, which justifies investigations on the applicability of more effective and efficient procedures. This work presents an alternative toe grinding procedure for application in a partial penetration T-joint with fillets subjected to a longitudinal load. Such alternative was analyzed by comparison of results of Finite Element Analysis applied over modeled specimens corresponding to three cases: i) original configuration (no grinding process had been applied), ii) tip rib contouring groove (code based procedure) and iii) straight grinding groove. This last case was proposed because the manufacturing procedure is considerably simplified and easily adaptable for automated production. After performing the FE analysis, results indicated that notch effect is very similar for both grinding cases. This result supported the choice of the simplified grinding process for manufacturing a set of real specimens, assigned for fatigue testing. In a resume, this work indicates that a simple and adaptable for automated manufacturing procedure may provide similar fatigue performance of the relatively complex method preconized by standard codes. © 2019 MIM Research Group. All rights reserved.