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Research Article

Influence of sub-glass transition heat-treatment on physical and structural properties of Cu46Zr44Al8Hf2 metallic glass

Baran Sarac

Erich Schmid Institute of Materials Science, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Leoben, Austria



Metallic glass; 


Dynamic mechanical analysis; 

Differential scanning calorimetry; 

Residual stress; 

X-ray diffraction

The metastability of metallic glasses (MGs) can be altered via post-heat treatment around its glass transition temperature Tg. Here, the influence of the short-term heat treatment slightly below the glass transition on the thermal, thermomechanical, and structural properties are investigated. The water-cooled copper mold casting is used to produce the Cu46Zr44Al8Hf2 MGs under argon gas. Heat treatment was performed by continuous heating at 20 °C/min to 400 °C, followed by immediate cooling. Samples were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) via continuously heating through its Tg and Tx (crystallization temperature) and by X-ray diffraction (XRD) in Bragg-Brentano (θ-2θ) geometry. Main findings observed are (1) an increase in the thermal stability, Tx-Tg, registered by DMA and DSC, (2) a remarkable drop of the relaxation enthalpy in the DSC trace calculated from the change in specific heat beforeTg, (3) appearance of a third broad peak after heat-treatment in XRD, and (4) steady profile of E^' below Tg correlated to the β-relaxation in DMA. The unexpected increase in ∆T is linked to the release of the residual stresses accumulated during fast-quenching of the molten ingot down to room temperature. This stress can be estimated as 240 MPa on the outer surface and 100 MPa in the center of the cast CuZr-MG plates, which can be eliminated by the introduced heat-treatment method. Overall, this study suggests a direct and practical way to enhance the thermal stability and high strength retention of CuZr-based metallic glasses at elevated temperatures.

© 2020 MIM Research Group. All rights reserved.


8/12/2023 Special Issue: Embark on a journey of innovation with the journal of Research on Engineering Structures and Materials as we unveil a compelling opportunity for contributors in our upcoming special issue, "Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing of Composite Vehicle Structures." Led by distinguished Guest Editors Liubov Gavva and Oleg Mitrofanov from Moscow Aviation Institute. For more info see the link.

21/10/2023 Journal Submission System Upgrade Completed: We're delighted to announce that our Journal Submission and Tracking System has undergone a significant upgrade, aimed at enhancing your experience. We apologize for the delay, and any inconvenience it may have caused. Here are the key enhancements from a user perspective:

Improvements are designed to make your interaction with our journal smoother and more efficient. Please take the upgraded system for a spin and share your thoughts with us. If you encounter any issues or have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

27/12/2022 Reviewer AwardsThe winners of 2022 reviewer awards of Research on Engineering Structures and Materials (RESM) are announced. More information can be found at Reviewer Awards section. 

(More details of the news may be given in the News section)

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2022 Reviewer Awards:

Please, visit Reviewer Awards section for the winners of the 2022 RESM reviewer awards.

2022 Best Paper Award:

The paper authored by Nitin Kumar, Michele Barbato, Erika L. Rengifo-López and Fabio Matta entitled as “Capabilities and limitations of existing finite element simplified micro-modeling techniques for unreinforced masonry” is awarded the 

2022 Most Cited Paper Award:

The paper authored by Aykut Elmas, Güliz Akyüz, Ayhan Bergal, Müberra Andaç and Ömer Andaç entitled as “Mathematical modelling of drug release" is awarded the


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