







Influence of palm oil fuel ash as agricultural waste on the environment and strength of geopolymer concrete

Khamees N Abdulhaleem1, Hussein M. Hamada2, Ali Majdi3, Salim T. Yousif4

1Civil Engineering Department, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq
2Al-Qalam University College, Kirkuk 36001, Iraq
3Dept. of Building and Construction Techniques, Al Mustaqbal University College, Babylon, Iraq
4Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Nawroz University, Iraq


The utilization of agricultural waste in concrete has gained important attention owing to its potential to improve sustainability and reduce environmental impact. Palm oil fuel ash (POFA), a by-product of the palm oil industry, is one of the agricultural waste materials that has shown promise as a supplementary cementitious material (SCM) in geopolymer concrete (GPC). This paper presents a comprehensive review of the influence of POFA on the environment and strength properties of GPC. The review highlights the chemical composition and physical properties of POFA, its environmental impact, and the challenges and potential strategies for its sustainable utilization. The main factors affecting the strength enhancement or reduction in GPC containing POFA are discussed, including the optimal replacement level and curing condition. The results reveal that the silica oxide in POFA ranges between 55.7% and 69.02%, depending on the POFA source and treatment conditions. The increase in POFA replacement from 0 to 20% led to an increase in the compressive strength of GPC from 28.1 to 30.1 MPa, while in another case the compressive strength decreased from 24 to 18.5 MPa for the same replacement level. There is no specific optimum replacement level. However, the low replacement levels between 0 and 20, are the best. The review also summarizes experimental studies evaluating the effect of POFA on GPC strength. In general, the review provides valuable insights into the use of POFA in GPC and suggests future research directions to enhance its utilization and sustainability in the construction industry.


Palm oil fuel ash; Geopolymer; Agriculture waste; Strength; Sustainability; Environment effect, Durability

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