








Cited 4 times

Damage progression in rubble-mound breakwaters scale model tests, under a climate change storm sequence

Conceição J.E.M. Fortes1, Rute Lemos1, Ana Mendonça1, Maria Teresa Reis1

1Department of Hydraulics and Environment, National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), Portugal


This paper describes the two-dimensional (2D) physical model tests of a rock armor breakwater, performed at LNEC´s experimental facilities, under the framework of the HYDRALAB+ project. The aim of the present work was to evaluate damage evolution under future climate change scenarios, by using different damage evaluation techniques. The tested wave conditions simulated a storm sequence where two water levels (low water and high water) were considered, as well as an increase of the wave height. The water levels and the wave heights were chosen to simulate extreme events forecasted on climate change scenarios. Damage evaluation was based on the traditional counting method and on stereo-photogrammetric techniques. Test results are presented in terms of the damage parameter S and in terms of the percentage of removed armor units. The analysis is focused on the damage progression during the scale model tests, for the imposed storm sequence. The damage presents an oscillating behavior with two main damage areas corresponding to the active zones for each level, due to the variation of the water level between low-water and high-water. This behavior differs significantly from that found for the common storm sequences usually tested, where the water level does not change. Both measuring techniques lead to an intermediate damage of the cross-section breakwater. However, the damage parameter assessment with the stereo-photogrammetric technique allows a more versatile evaluation, since it is possible to characterize damage in representative zones of the cross- section .


Damage progression; Rubble-mound breakwaters; Climate change; Stereo- photogrammetric techniques
Cited 4 times in the last 5 years and 4 times in total in articles indexed in Scopus.

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Fortes CJEM, Lemos R, Mendonça A, Reis MT. Damage progression in rubble-mound breakwaters scale model tests, under a climate change storm sequence. Res. Eng. Struct. Mater., 2019; 5(4): 415-426
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