Peer Review Process
Peer Review
Research on Engineering Structures and Materials (RESM) follows a single-blind peer review process to ensure the quality and integrity of its publications. The article evaluation process is detailed below:

Step 1: Initial Screening
Manuscripts are reviewed for adherence to technical and scientific requirements. Submissions with significant deficiencies, such as missing essential parts (abstract, keywords, introduction, conclusion) or lacking research significance, are either rejected or returned to the author for revision.
Step 2: Plagiarism Check
Manuscripts are evaluated for originality using plagiarism detection tools. Submissions with high similarity scores are rejected or sent back to authors for revision.
Step 3: Editor Assignment
Manuscripts that pass the initial screening and plagiarism check are assigned to an editor who manages the peer review process.
Step 4: Reviewer Assignment and Evaluation
The assigned editor identifies at least two experts in the manuscript’s field to evaluate its quality and relevance. Reviewers recommend whether to accept the manuscript, request revisions, or reject it. The journal uses a single-blind review process, where reviewers know the authors’ identities, but the authors do not know the reviewers’.
Step 5: Editorial Decision for First Round
Based on reviewer feedback, the editor decides whether the manuscript is:
- Accepted as is, proceeding directly to publication.
- Requires revisions, with specific feedback provided.
- Rejected if it does not meet publication standards.
Step 6: Revision
Authors are required to address reviewer feedback thoroughly or provide justifications for any deviations. The revised manuscript is submitted for further evaluation.
Step 7: Final Decision
If all revisions satisfy reviewer and editorial concerns, the manuscript is accepted for publication. If necessary, the revised manuscript may be sent back to reviewers for further review. Steps 6 and 7 may be repeated until all issues are resolved.
This process ensures that all published manuscripts meet RESM’s high standards of academic excellence and rigor.