The aim of this study is to investigate the characteristics of Textile ETP and Tannery sludges and strength characteristics of cement-sludge mortar. The textile Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) and tannery sludges have the potential to become a serious environmental burden for Bangladesh in the future because of their high rate of generation, with a very limited safe disposal option. On the other hand, day by day the demand and price of cement are increasing. This study was devoted to evaluate the technical feasibility of utilizing textile ETP and tannery sludges in cement mortar both as separate and mixed modes. An attempt was taken to replace 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight of cement in mortar with textile ETP and tannery sludges both as a separate and mixed modes. To evaluate the characteristics of the textile ETP and tannery sludges, the pH, moisture content, organic matter content, chemical composition (XRF), TCLP (Heavy Metal) tests were studied. The initial and final setting time, compressive strength, tensile strength, and water absorption of mortar by partial replacement of cement by textile ETP and tannery sludges both as separate and mixed modes were studied to evaluate the properties of cement-sludge mortar. It was found that the textile ETP and tannery sludges both as separate and mixed modes can be a replacement of cement up to 10% in cement mortar and can be used for the purposes of S-type of mortar. The textile ETP sludge as a separate and mixed modes of the sludges can be a replacement of cement up to 20% and can be used for the purposes of N-type of mortar.