Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is profusely utilized in building construction due to its unique design and mechanism of flow without segregation by occupying the corners and preventing the voids to achieve better compaction and mechanical strength. This work addresses the effect of colloidal nano-silica (NS) of size 5-40nm with an active nano solids content of 32% on the high-strength SCC containing Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) and Ordinary Portland Cement as binders in addition to NS. The liquid content of 68% in NS was added to the water content in the mix. The ratios of NS were evaluated at 0%,0.5%,1%,1.5%, 2% and GGBFS as 20% by weight of binder in concrete. The water to binder ratio was 0.33 with a water and binder content of 184kg/m3 and 557.58 kg/m3. The optimum mix was 1.5% NS based on the concrete’s slump and compressive strength at 28 days. The slump was reduced with a rise in NS beyond 1.5% due to the accumulation of NS particles causing the reduction in flowability. The density of SCC for all the mixes was satisfactory. The compressive strength of optimum SCC, M21.5NS20G was decreased by 5.88% and increased by 0.49% and 2.45% at 7, 28 and 91 days to that of the reference mix whereas its split tensile strength was risen by 31.13%, 9.27%, and 12.41% and flexural strength was risen by 5.8% and reduced by 8.17% and 4.06% to that of the reference mix at aforementioned durations. The SEM and XRD analyses were conducted on the optimum hardened SCC mix at 28 days in which the presence of Calcium silicate hydrate compounds of different crystalline structures, viz., Ettringite, and Portlandite were observed. The SCC designed in the work can be used for structural applications such as beam-column joints.