The International Journal of Research on Engineering Structures and Materials (RESM) is a blind peer-reviewed journal. The process of the article evaluation for the journal is explained below:
Step 1: Initial Screening
The submitted manuscripts are evaluated for the basic requirements. The manuscipts with severe violations of technical (inappropriate reference style, lack of essential parts such as abstract, keywords, introduction, conclusion, etc.) or scientific (study without research significance, out of scope subject, etc.) requirements are rejected or sent back to author for revision.
Step 2: Plagiarism Check
The submitted manuscripts are checked for Plagiarism . The manuscripts with high similarity results are rejected or sent back to author for revision.
Step 3: Editor Assignment
The submitted manuscripts passing the first two steps are assigned an editor to manage the peer review process.
Step 4: Reviewer Assignment and Evaluation
The corresponding editor finds and contact, generally, at least two researchers or academics who are experts in the related field. They will be asked to read the article, and advise the editor whether to publish the paper in the journal with or without revisions, or decline. The RESM uses single blind peer review process. Hence, the names of the authors are revealed to the reviewers, but the names of the reviewers are not revealed to the authors.
Step 5: Editorial Decision for First Round
Based on the reviewer reports, the corresponding editor decides if the article is acceptable as it is, acceptable if revised or unacceptable for publication. If the submitted manuscript is found acceptable as it is, the revision step is omitted. If it is is found unacceptable and rejected, the process ends without publication of the paper.
Step 6: Revision
If the submitted manuscript is found acceptable after revisions, the corresponding editor sends the article to the author with reviewer suggestions. The article should be revised according to the reviewer recommendations or the related satisfactory explanation is made.
Step 7: Decision
If the corresponding editor approves all suggested revisions or explanations are made, satisfying all reviewer reservations, he/she states that the article is accepted for publication in the journal. The editor may send the revised version of the manuscript back to reviewers for their approval. The Step 6 and 7 may be repeated for the articles revised without satisfying all reviewer reservations.